Copenhagen Slow Balboa Festival 2025
Email is our primary method for contacting you regarding your registration. You can at least expect emails with this content and (mostly) in this order:
Phone number is meant as a backup/urgent method for contacting you in mostly these 3 situations:
(If you say yes to Signal/WhatsApp, we may use that for contact rather than telephone number)
Event organizer has a newsletter which is sent out more or less regulary with information about future and upcomming events.
Since we are located within the EU we are legally bound by the GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation which requires us to get consent from you to Collect, Store and Process your information. We will not Sell, Trade or Swap your information.
Besides this you need to accept our own terms and conditions which can be viewed on this page.
By registering here you will be doing business with: Ministry of Balboa c/o Jon Bendtsen Sigurdsgade 15, 2200 Kbh N Denmark Jurisdiction: Denmark Company VAT id: DK-33996365 Company email: Company manager: Christian Ehlers Mikkelsen Company currency: All prices listed without a currency are in DKK Company goal: To spread the Balboa swing dance
To be able to ask the correct questions on the next page(s) we need to know which kind of participant you are.